Indoor plants offer businesses a natural and beautiful addition to the interior while benefiting the overall well-being of employees. By incorporating live plants into the design of your space, your staff will be able to enjoy nature’s beauty and the many physical and psychological benefits of indoor plants.
Visual benefits of indoor plants
Indoor plants not only bring rich shades of green colors to its indoors they also offer visually-meditative experience that ultimately leads to happier and healthier employees who are more productive.
An office with live lush green plants convey a positive brand image to visitors.
Office plants counters stress
A number of studies have been conducted that indicate indoor plants can reduce stress levels in work environments. Less the stress levels, more the healthy staff, more the productivity. Targets achieved.
Indoor plants works as “Air Purifiers”
Today no need to explain how much we have polluted our environment. A recent survey conducted shows, Bangalore ranks second in the most polluted cities in India. Adding to this sorrow state, Modern office buildings, with predominantly sealed air, can contain up to ten times more pollutants than the air outside. Common toxic culprits found in the office such as mold, formaldehyde, dust mites, carbon monoxide and chemical cleaning agents. . Plants in the office improve air quality by removing harmful pollutants. Plants also stabilize humidity levels. Indoor plants have also been shown to reduce the symptoms of “sick building syndrome” or SBS.
Indoor plants reduce noise levels
Plants are commonly used to reduce noise pollution along highways and interstates. Using the same concept, plants in the workplace change room acoustics by reducing reverberation time. Plants placed in areas with hard surfaces such as hard wood floors, concrete and marble walls, will effectively absorb noises which can be distracting and hurt employee productivity.